Friday, September 29, 2006

When all else falls

Now remains faith, hope and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13: 13).


Shakana said...

YES! because without love how else could i look u in the eye and say: nana na nana im ur sister and there's nothin i can do to change that (or u for that matter)!

Anonymous said...

Such abuse, and from one so young. More discipline is clearly needed! Nice piccies Ralph-dude. I am avoiding a migraine right now. Well, actually I'm just hoping it'll go away.

Ralph said...

Hey Becs: it's not hard for us guys to aspire to noble hearts, chivalry and knighthood with the quality of sisters in our church.

Ralph said...

Rooinek: come out and identify yourself :-)

Anonymous said...

You don't recognise me? Sarcastic, abusive, get's headaches. I'm hurt. Fortunately the migraine's gone.

By the way, you're sister's name isn't Becs. Mine is though. Weird.
