Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Something Purposeful: Living on Purpose

It's easy to wander (wonder) through life without clear purpose. Even as Christians we can live without purpose. However, the Lord calls us to live with purpose - to live on purpose.

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ" (Col. 3:23-24).

Here are some ways that we can live on purpose:

1. Quiet Times - Sowing into your life now for strength and blessing in times to come, as well as fellowship with God now ("but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life" - Gal. 6:8) .
2. Relationships - Pursuing relationships with purpose and direction (e.g. life-time friendship based on accountability, love and devotion - covenant friendship), and not just convenience for now/alleviation of loneliness/etc.. The world seriously lacks faithfulness - we need to learn to lay down our lives for each other (if anyone has any ideas on how this is actually done, please teach me, because I am keen to learn - headknowledge without implementation is meaningless). "A friend loves at all times" (Prov. 17:17).
3. Talents & Hobbies - Enjoying them because God enjoys it when we enjoy doing what He made us to enjoy doing! Working on our talents as glory to Dad, and maxing it out because we can! (Col. 3:23-24 again, maybe there are others more suitable).
4. Studies - Working hard at them for the benefits to come later, and the discipline it brings, using that as motivation for pushing through the mundane now. He that is faithful in the little will be considered faithful in much (see Luke 19:17).
5. Character building... Anything worthwhile takes time, effort and will - Proverbs are hectic like this.
6. Etc. (i.e. there must be tonnes others too)
(Add you own...??)

These are things the Lord is teaching me now. There needs to be a soberness with which we view the various components in our life, as well as a joy in pursuing the destiny God has for us.

(If you need prayer call your trip:-) )


Unknown said...

Wow!! I usually never read things that long on blogs unless its funny but that really got me. The extent of our similar issue-ness increases! I shall indeed call up my trip for prayer :) Thank again for an AWESOME time my friend. You are truly a blessing, a pleasure and loads of fun to be around! Journal that!!

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