Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Parents are not deceiving

"Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God gives to you." (Exodus 20:12)
"For God commanded, saying, Honour your father and mother: and, He that curses father or mother, let him die the death." (Matthew 15:4)
"Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour your father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise) that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth." (Ephesians 6:1-3)

Whether we have Christian parents or not, or virtuous parents or not, we are commanded to honour our parents. It's a privelege to have godly parents. In a world of family chaos, it is a very great privelege to have parents who have committed themselves to the Lord and each other through thick and thin. So, in honour to my parents, this is for Dad and Mom!

Dad is hectic. He has two Phd's, lectures a full week, and still found time (and money) to take us on holidays every vac! We went to the Drakensberg once a year, to my grandparents in Uvongo once a year, and to the bushveld once a year! (and often to Zim, or other exciting spots in S.A. - hence my birdlist... Dad always encouraged me in that, which is cool). Dad loves the Lord (he is a teacher with a strong dose of the prophetic); he also loves building model aeroplanes; flight simulator computer games; and growing roses. My most memorable moments with Dad are playing hand-tennis in the back yard and that he taught me to body-surf (a skill I treasure more than life!). Dad would always come and ruffle my hair, and I pretended not to like it but I really did... (flip, I do that to my digsmates now).

Mom is an example of a Proverbs 31 lady, and her children definately rise up and call her blessed. I remember in winter Mom used to wake my sister (a blog feature to come...) and I with a warm face-cloth. I pretended not to like it but actually it was great! Mom was always at home at lunchtime waiting for us with lunch after school. That's a rare thing in this life. We had family dinner every evening (and not in front of the antichrist - I mean TV - either), and a home very neat and orderly. And now Mom has just completed her Masters in classical culture at UJ! A hectic lady. And she has always loved us to bits :-)

Love you Ma & Dad! (cheesy grin)
Enjoy your trip to England!!
(phew, that's about another 10 years onto my life...)


COMING UP NEXT - My favourite DIGSMATE!!!!
(Whoever guesses right gets a chocolate)


Anonymous said...

DOOD! Yor folks are cool, no wonder you have a brain cell or 2 hidden under that mat (your hair, it was a little obscure without this) you secretly like to have rubbed - OK not so secretly any more. Is there other stuff you need to confess? Like stuff you pretend to not like?
OK, didn't think so.
You are such a blessing my brother.
God Bless

Ralph said...

Hey Shortboy

Thank you for the comments. I loved your blog on your Mom. We are so blessed to have the folks we do! Dig you buddy - here's to more mischief in B-School (he he)

Calvin said...

Tis true... tehe... YAY. Guess what? John it taking BS (bible School) this week. We can be super naughty... he was in my class at school so I don't have to listen to him!

Ralph said...

You know it baby :-)