Monday, February 05, 2007

Holiday Update

Here's an update on my holiday:

19-31 Dec - chilled in Jo'burg with my family. It was a great time of deep rest and connecting with my family more. Really beautiful time and a wonderful Christmas.

31 Dec-4 Feb - Farm in Creighton. That was cool. The frizbyx3@once + big tennis ball + random things was great fun!!

4-8 Feb - stayed with Lord Frederick Otten in Pmb - that was cool - watched Schrek 2, Narnia (brilliant), and other randoms. Nice to see Ed, Fred's apostolic brother. We all went to the beach one afternoon at Scottburgh.

Week of 8th - my awesome friend Chris and I had a wild time at Waters Meeting, Port Alfred, Kasouga, 3 Sisters - tower-jumping till 7.45 at night into the dam at WM, supper and prayer on beach at Kelly's Beach, canoed up Kasouga River, snorkelled at 3 sisters, camped in sand dunes near Kasouga - it was all so great, easy, uncomplicated and fun. Chris is a legend. Like Rod we go back a long way, and Chris is extremely easy to get on with and a brilliant doctor (GP).

Week of 14th - Cape Town for botany conference at UCT. We stayed at Jan Smuts res!! Great place but Rhodes is much nicer than UCT: smaller, quiter, more friendly, and we dont have a freeway running past the main campus!! I accidently climbed Table Mnt while bunking some presentations, and we had an EPIC tour of the Cape Peninsular on the last day, including up close and personal with penguins and snorkelling in a bay in Simon's Town in the most perfect conditions imagineable. It was all so blessed. We did Cape Point and toured around back to Cape Town. That week we got thoroughly lost in the CBD several times and when I got home to Gtown I remembered I'd put a map of the city in my bag but forgot I had it! Anyway, I can take you anywhere you want in Cape Town now - I've been all over it a few times (so even I can be unstructured at times - Fred will thrive off that).

Week of 22nd - My Dad and I had a fantastic time in Kenton for 3 nights - great father-son time. Very great. Thanks Dad. Some things are too deep to go into detail about.

Now am working hard again. On fieldwork this week, and off to Cameroon on 16 Feb - 3 March. HELP!!!!! "Gonna shout it from the top of Mt Cameroon, Your Name and Your Renown etc.."


1 comment:

Nathan said...

...lifted high for all the world to see...gonna sing it to the ends of the earth, all praise You deserve...

Have fun in Cameroon!

Great to see some news on your blog... the water in False Bay looks amazing! Today the water was falling out of the sky in little frozen bits called snowflakes - it was amazing.