Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Final Upate 2006

Right - here is an update on my life the past month. It has been rather hectic.

1. On the 13th November my Grandad passed away. He was 86 years old and "finished strong", having served the Lord for over 50 years. He and my Gran were married 64 years. His passing into the realm of true reality (Heaven is where the REAL dindhindee is) wasn't a shock nevertheless death is real and it does shake you when it knocks at the home door. Praise God He has conquered sin and death! I went up to Jo'burg for his burial and it was wonderful to be together as a family. I hadn't seen my sister since April so it was nice to see her again. Praise God for a godly spiritual legacy in Grandad. I really appreciate him.

2. Been on 3 fieldtrips totalling some 20 days. Been to 5 farms. Collected over a 1 000 plant specimens. The best trip was the one Theo came on. We had a really great time. Theo is a legend. Ladies - pray that you get picked by God to be Theo's princess. OK, he did hurt my wrist so that it was sore for 8 days and Dylan had to pray for me before it got better, but still...that's the price for 24 hour wrestling (and it was worth it!). The Sneeuberg is really beautiful and the range has had almost double its average rainfall this summer alone! God is really blessing my work - lots of favour. Farmers have been so hospitable - only 2 nights have we had to sleep in the Rhodes kombi... The last trip (this week past) was VERY hot - flip - i'm still not properly rehydrated - but there were rock pools! Okes - rock pools in the "Karoo" are not to be scoffed at. Gareth - the Hons student who came with - and I spent a whole afternoon just mozing down the river and chilling in rocks pools ("this project is sponsored by the NRF"). It was the hottest day I can remember for a while and we'd also just hiked up the mountain (altitude 2040 m on top) and back down through some Karoo stuff that shredded our legs and I got some thorn next to my fingernail that isn't out yet and is all pussy now (2 points). Well - I could go on about fieldwork for a bit: the mountains are real ones, not made in Taiwan - lots of Black Eagles and we saw a Martial Eagle - I saw a decent Knysna Woodpecker last week in the garden of the farmhouse - we have met people from all over - Theo and I held a "kerk diens" on the one farm ("HP Koueveld"); there wasn't time to go through the Purple Book with them but we delivered what we felt was the Lord's word to them at that time (Theo flows in the Spirit okes). Climbed into inaccessible areas where supervisors and mothers would freak if they snakes (much to Gareth's disgust) - but lots of Orangebreasted Rockjumpers - more and more beautiful views and scenery, that just is unreal.

3. Moving house - that was fun. I had to go to East London to recover from that - kidding - it wasn't that bad. If Neels hadn't helped it would've been difficult because my wrist was still sore. Shot mate - much appreciated! He helped load some of my stuff @ Graham Street; unload it again @ new digs; cycled my bike to the new joint; and packed all my stuff into my room - really appreciated the help. Neels is a kiff oke!

4. Chilled in E. London with Dyl and family for a weekend. That was a divine appointment because I was desperately low spiritually and Dylan revived me. We had a mud fight on the Kwelera River; a QT on the beach; and some fun with his folks and Misty. On the Sunday we went to Morgan Bay and fell asleep on the grass above the cliffs. It was like the Wild Coast hike again...
Dylan's a rad oke!

5. Had tea last Sunday evening with Ndepewa and Hilma. I jokingly asked them to prophecy over me and it took me about 15 minutes to write down everything they said when I got home! Hectic ladies. I am sorry I never got to know them better this year. Flip - so many people, so little time. They are great ladies!

6. Allegedly I'm going to Cameroon in Feb. for 2 weeks. I have been unsettled about it: not really hearing the Lord and I hope I haven't stepped out of my bounds. It's for a conference and also going to Mount Cameroon (4 100 m high) and the Bamenda highlands. If you read this please pray that the Lord's will be done. I dont want to get some funny disease because I was spiritually deaf.

7. Spiritually - been rather dry alas. Lots of things needing some prayer but I have laid them before the Lord and He is in charge! Peace on all borders! That's the heritage of the Children of God.

Have a merry Christmas and a phenomenal New Year feasting and revelling in the grace and love of our Saviour. "As you have begun, so continue".

Love Ralph


Nathan said...

What a great post! Very entertaining reading and I wish I could have been there for the fieldwork! Have a great vakansie...
Love Nathan

Anonymous said...

Ralph thats what I thought to!!feeling a bit wet at the moment so enjoyed the descriptions of rock pools in the hot and beautiful Karroo even more.

Ralph said...

Ha - thanks Nath and Helen! Two honourable people...