Monday, October 16, 2006

Woohoo Wahaaa Yippee!!

"Let the saints be joyful in glory; let them sing aloud on their beds" Ps. 149:5

We are so free! Whom the Son sets free is free INDEED! The only bondages are those we allow or bind to ourselves! Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! (i.e. no imposters...)

I have been celebrating so much lately in response to what the Lord Jesus has done in me this year. I made a list on Saturday and spent time thanking God for each thing. I realised that if I don't, I might lose the blessing of what He has done because if it isn't internalised and made part of my "DNA", my mindsets won't change and the brokeness will have been futile. The New Testament emphasises thanksgiving and I reckon thanksgiving is what cements the work of God in our hearts and minds - it increases our heart capacity to receive the answers to our prayers and to retain the answers. "In everything give thanks". And to give thanks is only right!

I have been thanking Dad for wonderful family, friends, great place to live, life in fullness, great masters project, excellent varsity, for answering deep cries from my heart re. things in me that must change, be sorted out, be healed - and He is busy with each of these!! And stirring up long-lost passions - adventure, the wild, birding, fun - more lively, more open, more fun, more loving! (even when its cloudy...). I still have help-assistance needed (Holy Spirit here I come) but oh the thanks for the changes God is doing! Vicky's blog had a picture of a ship in the blue seas - oh flip that stirred my heart for adventure! Going to the beach with Dylberry and Mike B - what a happy and exuberant morning! (it was like a tropical island at Kenton yesterday morn). Camping at Neels and talking the most profound deep and then switching to absolutely stupid things - and laughing hysterically! Wonderful people - celebration! What a wonderful planet - flip we must evangelise more - there more people to be set free to be themselves in God, and love Dad and enjoy Him forever. Am praying for opportunity here in Botany; we live studying the 'Bible" but most of them are blinded by the Evil One to God's character in nature. Alas.

But rejoice in the Lord - "that your JOY may be full!"


And summers here: heard the first Piet-my-vrou on Sat morn and shouted "YES" in bed!!! (that bird = summer. I don't usually do things like shout in bed but that's part of the changes and the REAL ME - I think :-) - God is awakening!!)

Haha - see you all at the ENLI exam (bwahahahahahahaha!)


Ralph said...

Sounds good - ask and you will receive. We dont have because we dont ask. And its more than just about us - ask for people, nations, ministries, influence, LOVE...

Unknown said...

You inspire me almost daily :) We throw the word brother around a lot, but with you I can truly call you so, more than anyone else. Thank you Ralph for reminding me of Abba's love when I need it most :) The sultan rocks!