Monday, October 23, 2006

Ode to Bond Street

What a wonderful digs the Bond Street is -
The realm of the noble women
Who care and love and fuss together
In hearty jubilee -
(and love to make copious pots of tea)
- and scones are on offer too -
- on a verandah with a really great view -

It really is a wonderful house -
(Scanky cats all agree)
Its modern, and cosy, and free of louse:
But surely it's best with a great cup of tea -
(and quiet with the exception of Mrs Mouse...)
(And there's always a weary soul blessed by the enchanted couch...)

Such delectible ladies!
Such admirable pastries!
(and the realm of two Divine pussy cats)
(who occassionally exhibit shrew-rats)
This is the haven for most HP functions -
Lets hope no other digs places sanctions -
Or chase out us poor country-bumpkins!

So yay to the wonderful ladies!
Claire, Cath, Debs, Lieschie -
Who through their care make it a really great place
And Rosa and Wends - the wise and the bold
Whose spiritual depth gives the devil a cold
(and who baptise cats for reasons untold)

Wohoo and yippee!
We're invited for tea!
Grab some cream and a cuppa or two
Lets praise the Lord
for the Bond Women here told!
("and yes, we really ARE beautiful", says Candy
"You know it", agrees Cleo, "we ARE rather dandy")

(alas no photo to do utmost justice...)


Anonymous said...

Yes, I know I am beautiful. But don't you think we should get rid of Mrs Mouse?

JennyBean said...

I feel that is a rather beautiful ode to a rather beautiful group of ladies. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that whoever said Mrs Mouse should be 'gotten rid of' is anonymouse - otherwise I would have them blacklisted from Bond Street, and believe me people have been blacklisted before. My Harry, bless him, he worked in East Africa and we had a home where we would frequently blacklist unkind guests who felt I chatted too much my harry never did think I chatted too much he was always kind and reading reading reading and then he would look up and say, My dear, you are quite right, quite right is what he would say, my Harry, when we lived in East Africa... So let us have no more talk of my leaving, unless Wendy needs company. I'm very good at setting up house, my harry always said I was...

Ralph said...

This is the first time animals have commented on a post... (at least on one of mine).

Anonymous said...

deer mista clarke

thanck yew so mutch four yaw luvly ode. we think yew r verri kind and r welkum in ow house. we also think it wud be luvlier if mrs mouse wud leave but our mum says we must bee nice too all kretchas evn annoying ones. there is one small ohmissin in yaw pome - yew did not menshin lamb and gravee. is that not the bestest part of bond street?

luf cleo, and candy helped me with the big words

Anonymous said...

Dearest Cleo,
I think you are very dear, and you are becoming such a good writer. I do believe that I love you more than you love lamb and gravy... and not just because you also limp.

Love Aunty Debs

neels said...

so, it has finally reached the stage where you are writing poems to bond street. thanks. now my prayer for you has to extend to 5 hours instead of 3. jokes. love you ralph.

Ralph said...


Anonymous said...

My sister says she knows I'm beautiful too. But I think my mum is wrong, and we should get rid of Mrs Mouse. She's not a very good example, after all - look what she did to the poor cat from next door! And I do love lamb and gravy, even more than I love my mum.

Ralph said...

Dear Candy & Cleo

I love lamb and gravy too - it is quite unreplaceable. I also have to confess that Mrs Mouse (bless her soul) is a wonderful person, especially when she has laringitus.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous who thinks we love lamb and gravy more than our mum. Clearly you must be an impostor pretending to be a feline. Despite our great fetish for lamb and gravy, we still love our mum more! Mr Clarke, you should really set up security measures on your blog!

Love Candy the Beautiful

Denise said...


thanks so much for that completely great comment. such comments really inspire me to write more :)

which is somethign i ought to do.

Anonymous said...

Mr Clark

I do declare that you have indeed outdone yourself!

Hereby award -5 years community service ;)

Ralph said...

Miss Joubert - the pleasure is all mine.
Thank you for the reprieve.

Anonymous said...

I lyke Bond streat verry mutch too...espeshully the lamm and grayvy.

Wif Thanx
Skanky Katt

Ralph said...

Hey Skanks
Great to meet! - have heard SO much about you... We must do tea.

Ralph said...

And maybe go for a surf? I have only heard the tail end of your stories.