Wednesday, October 25, 2006

OK - the Dam is Broken

Right, this is it. I can't hold it back. Don't try and stop me.

I HAVE to blog about Neels and Dylan. This has been in me for AGES!


What we can we say? Everyone knows already. An oke with a solid heart for the Lord Jesus and for the Kingdom; so much love and encouragement for everyone; hectic revelations; utter purity; and a simplicity that was the actual inspiration for my blurb on simplicity earlier this year in church. Really, still I haven't quite figured why Neels likes being friends with me. It's rather hectic. No friend has ever shown so much love to me as this oke. Neels just is hectic. Yes, (as he would say), it's the grace of God, but honour to Neels for allowing the grace to work. It is a complete and utter privelege and honour to have Neels in trip and as a friend.


Wow - what similar passions! On Monday night we discovered we both REALLY want to go to the Ruwenzori mountains in Uganda/DRC ("The Mountains of the Moon"). This was before the 1.30 am creambun fight in his room. Sweet cream in your leg hairs is not nice. We still want to go to the Ruwenzori though. We have such similar outdoor interests - birds in particular. It's ironic how Dylan and I have connected through similar insecurities that the Lord is dealing with. It has really bonded us as brothers. And Dylan always just shines love. Its great - even when I am feeling miff about xyz, he is so consistent emotionally. Dylan is just great. He's the friend you feel completely safe around. And God is doing great things in his life - his family, his relationships, his walk with God. It is a HECTIC privelege to be friends with this abo pioneer. I am so happy being friends with Dylan!

Okes - if you read this, I love you and am so glad Dad has given me brothers like you as accountability partners and covenant friends to do life deeply with. Love you so much.

Love Ralph

1 comment:

Calvin said...

You guys are hectic. I dig you okes!