Friday, December 29, 2006

Ode to the Joys of Highveld Summer

The highveld wears its regal cloak:
Swathed in richness unprovoked.
And as the 'rante' run their fingers -
Through the plains' velvet vestures,
Widows plumed in satin-black,
Flit through fields of growing thatch.

The 'vleis' march in winding song -
Reeds and rushes their soldiers strong.
Encrusted with jewels of candid colour -
Bishops red and golden brother;
Whilst heaving in many joyful greens,
The hills romp in life serene.

Anointed with such pleasant rains,
The highveld rules its natural gains.
The Lord has blessed this pleasant place -
Endowed it with such lovely grace -
Any any who (dare) care to see,
Cannot but praise His majesty.

(after the 13 hr Greyhound bus-trip which zigzagged its way to Jo'burg from Grahamstown via KWTown, Queenstown, Bloemies, Welkom, Vereeniging and - wohoo!! - Park Station - yeah BABY!)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Final Upate 2006

Right - here is an update on my life the past month. It has been rather hectic.

1. On the 13th November my Grandad passed away. He was 86 years old and "finished strong", having served the Lord for over 50 years. He and my Gran were married 64 years. His passing into the realm of true reality (Heaven is where the REAL dindhindee is) wasn't a shock nevertheless death is real and it does shake you when it knocks at the home door. Praise God He has conquered sin and death! I went up to Jo'burg for his burial and it was wonderful to be together as a family. I hadn't seen my sister since April so it was nice to see her again. Praise God for a godly spiritual legacy in Grandad. I really appreciate him.

2. Been on 3 fieldtrips totalling some 20 days. Been to 5 farms. Collected over a 1 000 plant specimens. The best trip was the one Theo came on. We had a really great time. Theo is a legend. Ladies - pray that you get picked by God to be Theo's princess. OK, he did hurt my wrist so that it was sore for 8 days and Dylan had to pray for me before it got better, but still...that's the price for 24 hour wrestling (and it was worth it!). The Sneeuberg is really beautiful and the range has had almost double its average rainfall this summer alone! God is really blessing my work - lots of favour. Farmers have been so hospitable - only 2 nights have we had to sleep in the Rhodes kombi... The last trip (this week past) was VERY hot - flip - i'm still not properly rehydrated - but there were rock pools! Okes - rock pools in the "Karoo" are not to be scoffed at. Gareth - the Hons student who came with - and I spent a whole afternoon just mozing down the river and chilling in rocks pools ("this project is sponsored by the NRF"). It was the hottest day I can remember for a while and we'd also just hiked up the mountain (altitude 2040 m on top) and back down through some Karoo stuff that shredded our legs and I got some thorn next to my fingernail that isn't out yet and is all pussy now (2 points). Well - I could go on about fieldwork for a bit: the mountains are real ones, not made in Taiwan - lots of Black Eagles and we saw a Martial Eagle - I saw a decent Knysna Woodpecker last week in the garden of the farmhouse - we have met people from all over - Theo and I held a "kerk diens" on the one farm ("HP Koueveld"); there wasn't time to go through the Purple Book with them but we delivered what we felt was the Lord's word to them at that time (Theo flows in the Spirit okes). Climbed into inaccessible areas where supervisors and mothers would freak if they snakes (much to Gareth's disgust) - but lots of Orangebreasted Rockjumpers - more and more beautiful views and scenery, that just is unreal.

3. Moving house - that was fun. I had to go to East London to recover from that - kidding - it wasn't that bad. If Neels hadn't helped it would've been difficult because my wrist was still sore. Shot mate - much appreciated! He helped load some of my stuff @ Graham Street; unload it again @ new digs; cycled my bike to the new joint; and packed all my stuff into my room - really appreciated the help. Neels is a kiff oke!

4. Chilled in E. London with Dyl and family for a weekend. That was a divine appointment because I was desperately low spiritually and Dylan revived me. We had a mud fight on the Kwelera River; a QT on the beach; and some fun with his folks and Misty. On the Sunday we went to Morgan Bay and fell asleep on the grass above the cliffs. It was like the Wild Coast hike again...
Dylan's a rad oke!

5. Had tea last Sunday evening with Ndepewa and Hilma. I jokingly asked them to prophecy over me and it took me about 15 minutes to write down everything they said when I got home! Hectic ladies. I am sorry I never got to know them better this year. Flip - so many people, so little time. They are great ladies!

6. Allegedly I'm going to Cameroon in Feb. for 2 weeks. I have been unsettled about it: not really hearing the Lord and I hope I haven't stepped out of my bounds. It's for a conference and also going to Mount Cameroon (4 100 m high) and the Bamenda highlands. If you read this please pray that the Lord's will be done. I dont want to get some funny disease because I was spiritually deaf.

7. Spiritually - been rather dry alas. Lots of things needing some prayer but I have laid them before the Lord and He is in charge! Peace on all borders! That's the heritage of the Children of God.

Have a merry Christmas and a phenomenal New Year feasting and revelling in the grace and love of our Saviour. "As you have begun, so continue".

Love Ralph

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Today I read some of Ephesians and I was just so captured by Paul's humility - "who am less than the least of all saints" (Eph. 3:8) - the great Apostle to the gentiles, who the Lord used to perform such hectic signs, and who basically changed European history. Flip. Our Christian culture is so easily hijacked by self-promotion and "looking good, looking strong, looking hectic". But, rather, the Lord "has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise" (1 Cor. 1:27). Humility, weakness, inadequacy, brokenness and infirmity seem to be where the blessing is. Not brokenness from sinful acts, but brokenness from being 100% reliant in the Lord "that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raises the dead" (2 Cor. 1:9). "Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me" (2 Cor. 12:9).

Lord Jesus, please teach us vulnerability before you, not self-assurance and arrogance, but casting ourselves on You to be and to do the things you have called us for. Without You we can doing nothing.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

OK - the Dam is Broken

Right, this is it. I can't hold it back. Don't try and stop me.

I HAVE to blog about Neels and Dylan. This has been in me for AGES!


What we can we say? Everyone knows already. An oke with a solid heart for the Lord Jesus and for the Kingdom; so much love and encouragement for everyone; hectic revelations; utter purity; and a simplicity that was the actual inspiration for my blurb on simplicity earlier this year in church. Really, still I haven't quite figured why Neels likes being friends with me. It's rather hectic. No friend has ever shown so much love to me as this oke. Neels just is hectic. Yes, (as he would say), it's the grace of God, but honour to Neels for allowing the grace to work. It is a complete and utter privelege and honour to have Neels in trip and as a friend.


Wow - what similar passions! On Monday night we discovered we both REALLY want to go to the Ruwenzori mountains in Uganda/DRC ("The Mountains of the Moon"). This was before the 1.30 am creambun fight in his room. Sweet cream in your leg hairs is not nice. We still want to go to the Ruwenzori though. We have such similar outdoor interests - birds in particular. It's ironic how Dylan and I have connected through similar insecurities that the Lord is dealing with. It has really bonded us as brothers. And Dylan always just shines love. Its great - even when I am feeling miff about xyz, he is so consistent emotionally. Dylan is just great. He's the friend you feel completely safe around. And God is doing great things in his life - his family, his relationships, his walk with God. It is a HECTIC privelege to be friends with this abo pioneer. I am so happy being friends with Dylan!

Okes - if you read this, I love you and am so glad Dad has given me brothers like you as accountability partners and covenant friends to do life deeply with. Love you so much.

Love Ralph

Monday, October 23, 2006

Ode to Bond Street

What a wonderful digs the Bond Street is -
The realm of the noble women
Who care and love and fuss together
In hearty jubilee -
(and love to make copious pots of tea)
- and scones are on offer too -
- on a verandah with a really great view -

It really is a wonderful house -
(Scanky cats all agree)
Its modern, and cosy, and free of louse:
But surely it's best with a great cup of tea -
(and quiet with the exception of Mrs Mouse...)
(And there's always a weary soul blessed by the enchanted couch...)

Such delectible ladies!
Such admirable pastries!
(and the realm of two Divine pussy cats)
(who occassionally exhibit shrew-rats)
This is the haven for most HP functions -
Lets hope no other digs places sanctions -
Or chase out us poor country-bumpkins!

So yay to the wonderful ladies!
Claire, Cath, Debs, Lieschie -
Who through their care make it a really great place
And Rosa and Wends - the wise and the bold
Whose spiritual depth gives the devil a cold
(and who baptise cats for reasons untold)

Wohoo and yippee!
We're invited for tea!
Grab some cream and a cuppa or two
Lets praise the Lord
for the Bond Women here told!
("and yes, we really ARE beautiful", says Candy
"You know it", agrees Cleo, "we ARE rather dandy")

(alas no photo to do utmost justice...)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Woohoo Wahaaa Yippee!!

"Let the saints be joyful in glory; let them sing aloud on their beds" Ps. 149:5

We are so free! Whom the Son sets free is free INDEED! The only bondages are those we allow or bind to ourselves! Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! (i.e. no imposters...)

I have been celebrating so much lately in response to what the Lord Jesus has done in me this year. I made a list on Saturday and spent time thanking God for each thing. I realised that if I don't, I might lose the blessing of what He has done because if it isn't internalised and made part of my "DNA", my mindsets won't change and the brokeness will have been futile. The New Testament emphasises thanksgiving and I reckon thanksgiving is what cements the work of God in our hearts and minds - it increases our heart capacity to receive the answers to our prayers and to retain the answers. "In everything give thanks". And to give thanks is only right!

I have been thanking Dad for wonderful family, friends, great place to live, life in fullness, great masters project, excellent varsity, for answering deep cries from my heart re. things in me that must change, be sorted out, be healed - and He is busy with each of these!! And stirring up long-lost passions - adventure, the wild, birding, fun - more lively, more open, more fun, more loving! (even when its cloudy...). I still have help-assistance needed (Holy Spirit here I come) but oh the thanks for the changes God is doing! Vicky's blog had a picture of a ship in the blue seas - oh flip that stirred my heart for adventure! Going to the beach with Dylberry and Mike B - what a happy and exuberant morning! (it was like a tropical island at Kenton yesterday morn). Camping at Neels and talking the most profound deep and then switching to absolutely stupid things - and laughing hysterically! Wonderful people - celebration! What a wonderful planet - flip we must evangelise more - there more people to be set free to be themselves in God, and love Dad and enjoy Him forever. Am praying for opportunity here in Botany; we live studying the 'Bible" but most of them are blinded by the Evil One to God's character in nature. Alas.

But rejoice in the Lord - "that your JOY may be full!"


And summers here: heard the first Piet-my-vrou on Sat morn and shouted "YES" in bed!!! (that bird = summer. I don't usually do things like shout in bed but that's part of the changes and the REAL ME - I think :-) - God is awakening!!)

Haha - see you all at the ENLI exam (bwahahahahahahaha!)

Friday, October 13, 2006


To the Lord - my gracious, forgiving, understanding, VERY loving, kind and generous Dad. He is very much looked up to.

Thanks Dad for the time of brokeness but thank You for bringing it to an end. Your ways are perfect and Your plans are 100% good. Please be honoured.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sister Act

This is my sister Jacqui. Today (10th October) is her Birthday. She's four years younger than me (but that's not her defining quality!). She is a woman of honour and definately deserves a full blog-splurge to herself:-) Yay Jacqui!!

One of the funniest things Jacqui and I ever did as kids was jump off the roof of the outside room at home with black plastic bags on our backs in attempt to parachute down. Did it work. Well. it built really good memories! My sister is one of the most hectic, godly women I know. She has been going through a time of testing and just keeps coming out more refined and more like gold. She is faithful, loyal, very forgiving (as a brother I know this first hand), and loving. We get on like anything, and as we both have a wicked sense of humour, we know how to max it out. I can't think of any young person more committed to the Lord. And I know the Lord really values her and has some wonderful things for her. Jacqui's currently doing her internship as a biokinetisist (nooit, how DO you spell that?) at UZ in Empangeni (KZN), and is also working as a high school biology teacher and a bookkeeper at the same time. She goes to Empangeni New Covenant Church (you know it, hey) and the beach (hey).

Love you sis. Thanks for being a hectic woman and I look forwqard to seeing you grow more and more in godliness and power.

Boet :-)

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Fine Line

Hey All

What's the distinguishing mark between being self-centred versus honest and open? What's a healthy aspect in this?? When is not speaking being closed and when speaking being too much?

Group Wisdom Session No. 1...


My Comfort. My Shelter

"You are my hiding place; you will preserve me from trouble; you will surround me with songs of deliverence. Selah." Psalm 32:7

"He has sent Me [Jesus] to bind up the brokenhearted" Isaiah 61:1

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delights in his way. Though he fall, he will not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholds him with his hand." Psalm 37:23-24

"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him" Psalm 37:7
"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry." Psalm 40:1

"Withhold not Your tender mercies from me , O Lord: let your lovingkindness and your truth continually preserve me." Psalm 40:11

Monday, October 02, 2006

It's official: We evolved from peanuts & raisins

Life is a well-defined and highly organised complex molecular engine based on commonalities which undoubtedly point to a common ancestor with peanuts and raisins (p&r).

The following recent scientific breakthroughs unquestionably support this:

1. The purpose of something's existence is called its "raison d'etre".
2. The purpose of life is to earn peanuts, placing immense existentialist value on this hitherto phylogenetically overlooked species.
3. People are referred to as "going nuts" about something they are passionate about, supporting the existenialist point in (2) above.
4. Ancient Hindi and Sanskrit writings in the Indian subcontinent refer to exalted rulers as "Sultanas". The same term is commonly used today for historical Indian leaders in abbreviated terms.
5. That p&r are so essential on hikes is no doubt an indication of their primaeval importance in human energy management and biokinetic movement, with naturally intrinsic anatomical parallels.
6. Certain life forms are known to have a high affinity for raisins, especially when hiking on the Wild Coast.
7. Certain other life forms have an aversion to raisins but a preference for peanuts, especially when hiking in the Wild Coast.
8. The most complex life-forms have a balanced affinity for both (the proverbial "balanced diet" - yes, out with mono-hyro-dupli-carcinogated-monopolysatyrated fatty acids folks, p&r is the new margarine), especially when hiking in the Wild Coast.

These infallible tests of scientific imperialism offer indisoluble evidence of our ancestry. Let's hope our children don't eat sour grapes, and that they are not shelled short by other more primitive cultural questions (people go ape about anything these days).



****When you find your people you find your destiny****
(from the notes in our Destiny Camp workbook)

I have found my people...
Have a lovely day everyone!

(and haven't forgotten about the new theory of evolution...)

Friday, September 29, 2006

When all else falls

Now remains faith, hope and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13: 13).

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Today is devoted to loving God.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Hogsback Hilarity

Just been 2 Hogsback with 5 other AMAZING people: Helen, Verashni, Lieschen, Eben & Emiel.
Here's to a great weekend that was unplanned fun and hilarity! The Lord is incredibly gracious to us. Be blessed and have a great week. Be strong in Him and in His provision! For those of you dont know these people, make an effort to meet them and get to know them - they are wonderful.

(P.S. Evolution is about to be blown out of the water, but not how you think! - watch this space...)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Something Purposeful: Living on Purpose

It's easy to wander (wonder) through life without clear purpose. Even as Christians we can live without purpose. However, the Lord calls us to live with purpose - to live on purpose.

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ" (Col. 3:23-24).

Here are some ways that we can live on purpose:

1. Quiet Times - Sowing into your life now for strength and blessing in times to come, as well as fellowship with God now ("but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life" - Gal. 6:8) .
2. Relationships - Pursuing relationships with purpose and direction (e.g. life-time friendship based on accountability, love and devotion - covenant friendship), and not just convenience for now/alleviation of loneliness/etc.. The world seriously lacks faithfulness - we need to learn to lay down our lives for each other (if anyone has any ideas on how this is actually done, please teach me, because I am keen to learn - headknowledge without implementation is meaningless). "A friend loves at all times" (Prov. 17:17).
3. Talents & Hobbies - Enjoying them because God enjoys it when we enjoy doing what He made us to enjoy doing! Working on our talents as glory to Dad, and maxing it out because we can! (Col. 3:23-24 again, maybe there are others more suitable).
4. Studies - Working hard at them for the benefits to come later, and the discipline it brings, using that as motivation for pushing through the mundane now. He that is faithful in the little will be considered faithful in much (see Luke 19:17).
5. Character building... Anything worthwhile takes time, effort and will - Proverbs are hectic like this.
6. Etc. (i.e. there must be tonnes others too)
(Add you own...??)

These are things the Lord is teaching me now. There needs to be a soberness with which we view the various components in our life, as well as a joy in pursuing the destiny God has for us.

(If you need prayer call your trip:-) )

Friday, September 15, 2006

Guest Appearance! Tony & Eben

Tony and Eben.

This is Tony at the bottom, testing the waters in Ezekial.

This is Eben at the top. When this photo was taken it was his birthday (and he only told us half-way through the hike). (There's now a cool little kloof with some indigenous forest named after him).

We were (the 3 of us) lurking at a river at the bottom of Featherstone Kloof. We found this awesome forest with a cliff, Outeniqua Yellow-wood trees and Knysna Louries! Getting out was fun - but we found lots of Motherless Daisy bushes (endemic to this area).

Eben is great. We did an O-week mission session together in Feb. When Eben is praising God in church then all is well with the Universe.
Tony has a dry sense of humour, and a very happy dispostion. It's always great to have Tones around. He is deep too, which adds meaning to all fun.

Check you - :-)


There are some wonderful people in Grahamstown. Here is one of them.

Frederick R. Otten (aka Fred or Freddie)(Fred's on the left of the photo, for those of you who weren't sure!)

Fred lives in the room next to mine in 3 Graham Street. He is a very loving and caring guy. This year ALONE he has made me endless cups of tea; he always pops into my room to see what's up (Nathan's the only other one who does... - and he's about to leave :-( ); and in the beginning of the year he sorted out my computer (he says it was a system thing, but I reckon he drove out several demons from it). Nothing is too much for Fred. He defines servanthood. I remember one Friday evening I was watching the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King on Dean's machine, and was feeling miff because of the example set by the Hobbits in their friendships (and I wasn't living that out/experiencing it - partly my fault... - a time of "relational character building": the most hectic bits were how Sam went back to help Frodo after Frodo thought Sam was against him, on the mountain ladder/spider scene: flip - that is my number one lesson in faithfulness at all costs; the other hectic lesson was the care and concern between Merry and Peregrine espec. on the battlefield. I want to be that.); well, Fred waltzed in on cue that evening and offered tea and a chat (I'm sure he's actually an angel sent to minister to us frail heirs of salvation!). Fred loves the Lord and His Kingdom. Fred is selfless and no matter what goes on, he goes on - whether there's no milk or he rolls his car. Most of all, he likes my jokes (the others pretend not to - IMPOSTERS!! Be sure your sin will find you out...). He is very consistent - I've never seen him throwing his toys out the cot (and he has a lot of toys - well, guitars!) And Fred is an excellent cricket coach: After 29 years of limited overs knowledge on my side, he ironed out some of the creases in my batting and didn't leave me stumped by his explanations. He pitched in and helped me out. As said at a previous occassion, he will know how to bowl his maiden over! (that is so wicket)

Fred, I love you bru! For you: "Oh how great is Your goodness that You have stored up for those who fear you!" Psalm 31:19

Bye now -

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Parents are not deceiving

"Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God gives to you." (Exodus 20:12)
"For God commanded, saying, Honour your father and mother: and, He that curses father or mother, let him die the death." (Matthew 15:4)
"Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour your father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise) that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth." (Ephesians 6:1-3)

Whether we have Christian parents or not, or virtuous parents or not, we are commanded to honour our parents. It's a privelege to have godly parents. In a world of family chaos, it is a very great privelege to have parents who have committed themselves to the Lord and each other through thick and thin. So, in honour to my parents, this is for Dad and Mom!

Dad is hectic. He has two Phd's, lectures a full week, and still found time (and money) to take us on holidays every vac! We went to the Drakensberg once a year, to my grandparents in Uvongo once a year, and to the bushveld once a year! (and often to Zim, or other exciting spots in S.A. - hence my birdlist... Dad always encouraged me in that, which is cool). Dad loves the Lord (he is a teacher with a strong dose of the prophetic); he also loves building model aeroplanes; flight simulator computer games; and growing roses. My most memorable moments with Dad are playing hand-tennis in the back yard and that he taught me to body-surf (a skill I treasure more than life!). Dad would always come and ruffle my hair, and I pretended not to like it but I really did... (flip, I do that to my digsmates now).

Mom is an example of a Proverbs 31 lady, and her children definately rise up and call her blessed. I remember in winter Mom used to wake my sister (a blog feature to come...) and I with a warm face-cloth. I pretended not to like it but actually it was great! Mom was always at home at lunchtime waiting for us with lunch after school. That's a rare thing in this life. We had family dinner every evening (and not in front of the antichrist - I mean TV - either), and a home very neat and orderly. And now Mom has just completed her Masters in classical culture at UJ! A hectic lady. And she has always loved us to bits :-)

Love you Ma & Dad! (cheesy grin)
Enjoy your trip to England!!
(phew, that's about another 10 years onto my life...)


COMING UP NEXT - My favourite DIGSMATE!!!!
(Whoever guesses right gets a chocolate)

Monday, September 11, 2006

The End of Term III!

Flip, a whole term just went by. There was only time to journal twice! What a term it's been.

Wahahahahahahahahha! cough-cough wahahahahaha!!

This is the gore and guts of what has been learnt this term:

1. Faithfulness in the face of adverse circumstances. Not faithfulness for reward (although that's nice if it happens), but being faithful because it's the right thing to be and this is God's character : "Faithful and True" (Revelation 19:11). But is very nice when it's appreciated! (let's be honest now).

2. Love vs "loving selfishness". I am still on a journey to discover self-less love - or love that gives without expecting; receives with thankfulness; and makes no demands but always hopes. DISCLAIMER: I am not there yet. By the grace of God we will be what God desires in us and delights to see us become! "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10).
(the product kindly requests that all defects be reported immediately to the Man-ufacturor).

3. Learning to fight. It's important to believe God, His Word, and to know that we can ask anything in His Name - that we can legitimately fight in prayer for what is important to Him and to us. If we are off-track, the Lord will tell us gently, but if we have a go-ahead to pray for something and to pursue it, then we must engage in warfare and persevere! We can make petition to God about things that are important to us and He will answer! In fact, God likes it when we ask for things! (get that! - kick out the lies that God is grumpy and grudges us the answers). "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints" (Ephesians 6:18). "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him" (1 John 5:14-15). And more - get into the Word ladies and gents, it's all there!

4. Persevere: "stay your course" is the word the Lord gave me earlier this term when things looked rocky. This is what the Lord wants us to do when He's given us direction but there are difficult times - stick to it, stay your course, don't waiver, don't be shaken. [No verses here! Get your own.]

OK, apart from the heavy stuff and there has been so much fun! The dhindindee at Bond Street, followed by strolling around town at midnight singing to people for their birthday; Neels's surprise party (well done Vash!); lots of great Trip Events (go Neels & Dyl); Men's Min. hike to Thomas Baines N.R. (now called the hike to Thomas Paines...). And more!! Photos to come...

The highlight: was dipping under a waterfall during some "silence and solitude" with the Lord in a kloof below the toposcope on my birthday! (no photos to come... : -) and a lovely dinner at Bond Street the evening before!

'kay bye!